Articles on green house complex?
Green houses are environment friendly and designed in way it can sustainable with water,energy,raw materials and many others. ... These complexes not only energy saves energy and resources but also creates an isolated system of water ,air,and energy supply
A greenhouse is a house made of glass. Here, the walls and the roof are made of glass.
- Plants that are in need of warmth all the time are grown in them.
- This is because a greenhouse stays warm inside, even during winters.
- The heat is trapped by the glass and it is unable to escape.
- So during the daylight hours, it gets warmer and warmer inside a greenhouse, and stays pretty warm at night too.
What is “Green Housing”??? Green Housing is a type of housing designed to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. Focuses on efficient use of energy, water and building materials. Type of housing that is built in order to conserve energy or water; improve indoor air quality; use sustainable, recycled or used materials and produce less waste in the process. Reduces or eliminates the adverse effect of buildings on environment and occupants. Environmentally responsible and resource efficient buildings are becoming an integral part and future of the construction industry. Sustainability in a real estate context is not only limited to energy conservation but also includes use of resources, impact on the surrounding environment and living conditions for the inhabitants.
Green building incorporates sustainable features like efficient use of water, energy, use of renewable energy and recyclable materials, effective use of landscapes and building management systems. A green building creates less waste and provides a healthier living environment. India’s growing housing sector is one of the highest contributors to the country’s carbon emissions accounting for 22% of India’s total annual carbon emission. Buildings account for upto 40% of the total energy consumption in India, of which residential real estate accounts for over 60% of it. Hence, it is important to move towards green housing.