English, asked by parkashphulkan9570, 10 months ago

Articles related to foreign invasion into india after mauryas


Answered by neelotpal136

Foreign Invasion # 1. Greek Invasions and their Effect:

One of the causes of the downfall of the Maurya dynasty was the invasion of the Greeks from towards the North-west of India.

At that time, the Greeks were called the yavanas by the Indians, the word which was used as a synonym of mlechchha and indicated every foreigner afterwards.

The Greek invasion under Alexander had remained limited only up to the Punjab and had failed to affect Indian polity and culture.

Foreign Invasion # 2. The Sakas (Scythians) and the Parthians (Pahlavas):

In the second century B.C. the Hunas turned out the Yueh-chi nomadic race from western China.

The Yueh-chi moved towards the West and put pressure on the Sakas.

The Sakas, in their turn, moved towards the South and destroyed the Hellenistic monarchy of Bactria.

Later on, they proceeded south and east and after capturing Sakastan (Seistan) entered India in various bands through different routes.

Foreign Invasion # 3. The Kushanas and Emperor Kanishka:

The Kushanas proved to be the most important invader of this time and amongst the Kushanas emperor Kanishka ruled as the greatest ruler.

The Yueh-chi tribe was turned out of China by the Hunas near about 165 B.C.

After being defeated when it moved towards the South-West, it came in conflict with the Sakas.

It defeated the Sakas and established itself in Bactria and the valley of the river Oxus.

There the Yueh-chis left their nomadic habits and lived there for long years though they divided themselves into five principalities or branches.




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