Arts Club of your school is going to organize a drawing and painting competition. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, to be displayed on the school notice board, inviting students to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Rishabh/Ridhima, Secretary, Arts Club, Sunrise Public School, Gurugram, and Haryana.
Writing a notice for organizing a drawing and painting competition at school :
Sunrise Public School, Gurugram, Haryana
February 18, 2020.
Drawing and Painting Competition
This to inform you that the Arts Club of our school is hosting an intraschool drawing and painting competition for its students from Class I to Class VII on the occasion of Founder's Day.
Interested students are requested to submit their names to their respective class teachers latest by February 25, 2020.
Class I - Class III : Group A
Class IV - Class V : Group B
Class VI - Class VII : Group C
Date : March 2, 2020
Time : 10 am - 11 am
Venue : Arts Room
For any queries, please contact the undersigned.
Arts Club.
*Write what it will be
*write when it will be (date)
*write a time
*write a venue(where it will be held)
*write a purpose for writing a notice