Arunachal Pradesh –Cane/ juteWeaving. Weaving forms an integral part in the culture of the state and its tribe. write a paragraph
Arunachal Pradesh has a vibrant craft tradition and every tribe excels in craftsmanship. Cane and bamboo is an important craft of this area, and the workmanship is of a very high order. Many tribesmen make their own hats, which are often extremely decorative, adorned with the beaks and feathers of birds or with tufts of hair dyed red. They also make varieties of baskets, bags and other containers. There is a wide range of cane belts, woven and plain, and in northern Subansiri, tribals have even elaborately woven brassieres of cane and fibre.
Cane and bamboo is strictly men’s craft and the most commonly made objects are baskets for storing ad carrying paddy, fuel and water, vessels for preparing local liquor, rice plates, bows and arrows, headgear, mats, shoulder bags, etc. ornaments and necklaces made of fine strips of bamboo and grass are also popular. Burnt pokerwork too is executed on bamboo articles.