Social Sciences, asked by ayun90, 2 months ago


1. Identify the correct statement with regard to ‘Directory Rule of France’ from

the following options: -

a) A new Constitution was introduced which gave right to vote to non-

propertied sections of society.

b) The executive was made up of ten members.

c) The Directors often worked under the legislative councils.

d) The political instability of the Directory led to establishment of military

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Answered by Anonymous


d) The political instability of the Directory led to military rule


The Directory was a body of selected members who often clashed with the legislative council which sought to dismiss them. In France the Directory rule failed and this political instability paved the way for the military rule under Napoleon Bonaparte who established dictatorship and destroyed the democratic systems in France.

Hence, from the above sentences, sentence (d) is the correct statement regarding directory.

Answered by aditijaink283


The "Directory Rule of France" led to political instability of the Directory led to establishment of Military.


The Directory was a five member committee governing France from 1795. This replaced the committee of Public Safety. Due to the social, economic and political instability in France, this Directory failed to function in the country.

Widespread corruption in the Directory and poor funding led the failure of Directory.

Though the Directory helped in improving the monetary status of the country and set a floor for restoration Napoleon Bonaparte but full revolutionary recovery was not took place.

However, the military coup in the 18th Century overthrown the rule of Directory . Napoleon Bonaparte established its rule in 1804 and centralized the government in France.

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