As a consumer along with your family, visit a shopping mall. Write ten Do’s and Don’ts you should follow so that you are not fooled by the seller and producers.
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1. Look at all the ranks
2. compare prices
3. compare discount to original price
4. Read all the ingredients
5. Read the expiry date
6. check the packing
7. look for other substitute
8. look for other flavors
9. Check the manufacturer
10. Focus on your budget
1. Do not ignore the most bottom or top ranks
2. Do not buy if their is no expiry mention
3. Do not buy if others had a bad experience using it
4. Do not trust the promotional stalls
5. Do not buy if the packaging is loose
6. Do not buy if expiry is near
7. Do not buy if the substitute is available at other store for lesser price
8. Do not buy if the manufacturer has experienced some problem about the product
9. Do not buy if you don not need it
10. Do not buy the artificial products, go for natural
1. Look at all the ranks
2. compare prices
3. compare discount to original price
4. Read all the ingredients
5. Read the expiry date
6. check the packing
7. look for other substitute
8. look for other flavors
9. Check the manufacturer
10. Focus on your budget
1. Do not ignore the most bottom or top ranks
2. Do not buy if their is no expiry mention
3. Do not buy if others had a bad experience using it
4. Do not trust the promotional stalls
5. Do not buy if the packaging is loose
6. Do not buy if expiry is near
7. Do not buy if the substitute is available at other store for lesser price
8. Do not buy if the manufacturer has experienced some problem about the product
9. Do not buy if you don not need it
10. Do not buy the artificial products, go for natural
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