Science, asked by mohitrajput8008, 6 months ago

As a football player, you would choose to wear a flat bottom shoes or shoes with nails to play on the fields. Why? ​


Answered by Misslol96


When chosing a football boot there are different factors which needs to be considered before chosing one

One of the most important factor is chosing the soleplate design

For different playing surfaces there are different soleplates designed to suit the purpose of playing football

Let us devide the playing surfaces into four parts

Soft ground

Hard ground

Artificial ground (turf)


Now let us see what kind of football boots are required for each surfaces

Soft ground: These surfaces are usually very soft in nature which is well maintianed and consist of soft mud and grass

It requires football boots which have soleplates consisting of longer metal studs to provide traction as the ground is soft and smaller studs would slip and won't provide that much of a traction

But these stud should only be used on soft ground as they would crack or break on hard grounds as they are not designed to take the pressure of the hard surfaces

Hard ground: These types of grounds consist of hard mud and grass

The soleplate required over here should be made of either rubber plastic or fiber which can cope with the pressure of the hard ground

There are a variety of soleplates designed for hard ground surfaces

These soleplates are heavy duty and can take on any hard ground

These are highly recommended on the Indian playing surfaces

Artificial ground (turf): Artificial grounds have gained popularity in recent times as they can be set up anywhere be it on building terraces or parking lots and they are popular at places where there is no access to bigger grounds

On artificial surfaces the soleplates does not consist of longer studs but small rubber elements to provide traction as the ground is artificial and their is no mud below the grass

It is highly recommended to use only turf soleplates on these surfaces as using studs can cause injuries and Spoil the gameplay to a great extent as it won't provide you the grip required

Answered by ashish425730


This is because a field is a little smooth surface and due to a force named friction if both the surface is smooth the you would slip and if you wear shoes with nails there is more friction and do you know if both the surface has more friction objects would not move

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