As a result of growing urbanization .The culture, customs and traditions of the tribal people started disappearing what would be your suggestion to the government to preserve their culture that is fading fast?
Learn about religious traditions. Whether or not you share your parents' and grandparents' religion, studying it can help you understand their culture. Religion connects to language, history, and personal behavior. Becoming more familiar with your or your family's religion can help you understand all these other aspects.
Speak your ancestral language. If you know someone who shares your culture but has a different native tongue than yourself, ask them to teach you. Many linguists and anthropologists argue that language shapes our whole perception of the world. Plus, if the language is rare in your area, nobody will be able to eavesdrop on your conversations!
Share your culture's art and technology. Each culture has its own clothing, music, visual art, storytelling traditions, and many more unique characteristics. Other members of your culture will be overjoyed to teach or talk about their hobbies, their jobs, their crafts, and what they do for fun. This includes traditional artwork you would find in a museum, but material culture goes far beyond that. Even a kitchen spoon or a piece of software is a cultural artifact.
Attend or organize major events. Your country, tribe, religious denomination, or immigrant ethnic group almost certainly celebrate major holidays or cultural festivals. Travel to these to get a broader perspective on your culture. If you don't know of any groups in your area, organize your own event.
Conduct interviews. Interview the people whose histories you're telling, or experts in the subject you're writing about. Come prepared with a list of questions, but let the interviewee to wander to other topics and stories.[6] You may learn something you would never think to ask about.
Follow your family tree. Record your family tree with the help of family members, adding to it as you go along. There are probably whole branches of cousins and in-laws you've never met. Track these down through family connections or online searches, and they may offer whole new perspectives on your culture. Government websites and physical record collections may offer additional information dating back centuries.
By introducing your culture to those who don't know about it. Talk about it, cook foods and play the music of your culture for others. Give friends gifts from your culture. Be an ambassador.
Practices which may hurt others, do not support equality, and support caste system are usually considered as the social evils that arise in every culture. We must learn the good values and impart them while discarding those which are inhuman and evil.
Practices which may hurt others, do not support equality, and support caste system are usually considered as the social evils that arise in every culture. We must learn the good values and impart them while discarding those which are inhuman and evil.