English, asked by asmashaik1320, 3 months ago

As a soldier, what is your responsibility? ​


Answered by madhushathiskar


to protect our country and work for our country

Answered by Anonymous


India’s Army has seen its role as the nation’s “ Ultimate Weapon” diminish.

It’s like when the chips are down, the whole nation relies on our Army. It goes without saying that the entire country is ever-indebted to the soldiers of the Indian Army, who put the country before everything else. The brave hearts proudly give their lives away to guard the country. A person who joins the army is responding to a call: a call to duty, a call to sacrifice, a call to serve and protect the nation and his own freedom.

The Soldier

It essential to understand why the soldier (in the broader sense) is pivotal for the well-being of a nation-state. One of my personal favourite quote about Military from the worldly-wise Chanakya:

"The Mauryan soldier does not himself the Royal treasuries enrich nor does he the Royal granaries fill… The soldier only and merely ensures that… He is thus the very basis and silent, barely visible cornerstone of our fame, culture, physical well-being and prosperity; in short, of the entire nation building activity.”

The Indian nation state has, however, forgotten Chanakya’s advice. The Indian soldier today stands at the crossroads, confused about his status in the society and unsure about his own role. The society no longer respects the soldier and his work in protecting the nation. They may pay lip service in times of crisis but that’s it. Bihar politician Bhim Singh’s utterly tasteless remark that “people join armed forces to die,” in the wake of the killing of five Indian soldiers on the line of control, is symptomatic of the bitter reality.

A Bollywood movie called Paan Singh Tomar depicted, in some measure, the humiliation that a soldier faces in the civilian environment, both while serving and after retirement from the armed forces.

And yet, from disaster relief in floods, tsunamis and earthquakes, to rescuing an infant prince from a deep tube well, and from quelling rioters in communal strife to being the last resort in internal counter-insurgency operations, the Indian Army is omnipresent. It is, what I have said time and again, India’s Brahmaastra — an ultimate weapon.

The soldiers play the most significant task in defending and protecting the borders of India. A soldier is the most disciplined and faithful person in a nation. A soldier obeys the orders of his commanders. A soldier keeps nightlong vigilance on the borders even the face of great dangers. He stands heroically before his enemies.

The soldiers also play an important role in controlling the unruly civilians. The security and the stability of our country also depend on them. A soldier’s no doubt is very difficult and hard.

A soldier sacrifices his life bravely for his motherland. It is he who has to live miles away from his family. While defending his country he goes into the jaws the death. His life is not a bed of roses; it is a bed of thorns. For him, defence of country is most important in his duties and responsibilities.

The role which Indian soldiers have played during the Indo-Pak War is exemplary. During the Kargil war of 1999, our soldiers fought bravely and defended our country. A soldier fights in the most difficult terrains on the hills and mountains, plains and forests.

Siachen: Toughest call of duty for the Indian soldier

'At an altitude of 5,000 metres, the levels of oxygen in the blood of a healthy soldier would be similar to that of a patient with a severe lung disorder at sea level.'

'While such patients are admitted to ICUs, confined to bed and treated with continuous oxygen therapy, the soldier at 5,000 metres with similar levels of oxygen in his blood performs intense physical activity and fights the enemy!'

Conclusion: A politician, a writer, a school teacher play their own roles through their abilities, but the role, which a soldier plays while safeguarding the frontiers of the motherland, is most important and unique. A soldier lives for the nation and dies for her dignity. We all should feel proud for our soldiers.

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