As a student , what can you do personally to stop social evils? write in a paragraph.
1.acts must be emerged to stop child marriages.
2.public meetings must be conducted.
3.we have to make people aware about disadvantages of social evils.
4.government must take serious action on those who don't follow rules and regulations.
To remove and reduce social evils--
#We need to spread education. Every person must be educated.
#We must focus on character building. Children must be trained to have a sound character. Moral education is a must to reduce social evils.
#We must try to connect our children with spirituality. Spirituality here means the realization of oneness. We will have to make people feel and realize that we are a family.
#We must promote yoga and meditation at primary schools.
#We must organize awareness camps at villages and towns to make people aware of the bad effects of all the social evils.
#We must try to create employment. Poverty and unemployment are the biggest reasons for almost all the social evils.