Sociology, asked by hunk6726, 1 year ago

As a teacher, you wish to predict the capacity and potential success in your subject. Your main purpose is to predict, or to identify individuals who have greatest potential for development along special lines or who are likely to profit most by special training. Which test you would apply to accomplish that?


Answered by murari81


Learn more about Predict Behavior

Learn more about Predict BehaviorModel Development and Verification

Learn more about Predict BehaviorModel Development and VerificationGeorge Ellis, in Control System Design Guide (Fourth Edition), 2012

Learn more about Predict BehaviorModel Development and VerificationGeorge Ellis, in Control System Design Guide (Fourth Edition), 201213.1.1.4 Predicting

Learn more about Predict BehaviorModel Development and VerificationGeorge Ellis, in Control System Design Guide (Fourth Edition), 201213.1.1.4 PredictingPredictive models are used to predict behavior that has not been tested. For example, if a company were switching from an analog controller to a digital controller, a predictive model could be used to estimate the performance change. Confidence in such a model is difficult to establish because, by the nature of the model’s function, the amount of verification that can be done is limited. Predictive models are similar to test models; the primary difference is that the predictive model is built before the product; the testing model is built after the product, so more verification is possible.

Learn more about Predict BehaviorModel Development and VerificationGeorge Ellis, in Control System Design Guide (Fourth Edition), 201213.1.1.4 PredictingPredictive models are used to predict behavior that has not been tested. For example, if a company were switching from an analog controller to a digital controller, a predictive model could be used to estimate the performance change. Confidence in such a model is difficult to establish because, by the nature of the model’s function, the amount of verification that can be done is limited. Predictive models are similar to test models; the primary difference is that the predictive model is built before the product; the testing model is built after the product, so more verification is possible.The approach to modeling here emphasizes that you should define the use and verification of the model. If a model is used to make important decisions, as it often is in test and predictive models, the amount of verification should be in proportion to the magnitude of the decision. And, the more important the decisions you are making based on the model, the more likely you will need to sustain the model over time to maintain its integrity to the current product or process. However, models, like any software, can have programming errors that escape detection from even the most thorough verification. Verification increases confidence, but some doubt should always remain. In the end, models provide evidence for decisions, but important decisions should be firmly grounded in broad technical expertise.

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