English, asked by pinkimalikips, 1 year ago

As an ambassador of latvia in India how will you promote tourism, export import and bilateral relations ​


Answered by pallu62

of Cairo Population Conference

Delegates Conclude Two-day Debate on Responsibility to Protect, Prevention of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity

The General Assembly today adopted three draft resolutions: on assisting victims of terrorism, commemorating the anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development and on torture-free trade.

By a recorded vote of 81 in favour to 20 against, with 44 abstentions, the Assembly adopted the draft resolution “Towards torture-free trade: examining the feasibility, scope and parameters for possible common international standards” (document A/73/L.94), focusing on the feasibility, scope and parameters for possible common international standards for the import, export and transfer of goods used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. By the draft’s terms, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States on such standards and to establish a group of experts to be chosen on the basis of equitable geographical distribution to examine a range of options.

Several delegations spoke in explanation of position, exchanging divergent views on consultations and terminology. Many representatives spoke out against the rushed nature of the informal consultations, of which there were only three. Others outlined various concerns they had presented to the resolution’s co-sponsors during consultations and which were ignored or excluded from the final draft.

Some of the 20 Member States who voted against the text said that one of the main reasons for doing so was that the draft linked torture and inhumane treatment to capital punishment, the latter of which they said States had a right to use.

Saudi Arabia’s representative said that the death penalty does not counter the provisions of international law and international conventions, including the Convention against Torture. The death penalty in Saudi Arabia is only executed in very serious cases and after the holding of transparent and just trials. Every country, including Saudi Arabia, has an inherit right to implement its national laws.

China’s representative said that whether or not the death penalty should be applied must be entirely up to national Governments. He also expressed concern that the text was linking trade to human rights.

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