Sociology, asked by bomzonlhadoma, 7 months ago

As an individual which good life do you
consider important
individual or society.
with suitable exemple
Defend your viewe​


Answered by hnas72751


In short, we have to nurture society and individuals as equally important aspects of human existence.

They are both equally vital to Human existence. They are two halves to the same whole. To lean one way is to break something beautifully balanced, to lean the other is to destroy a power that could create a paradise.

We humans are a social animal. In co-operation with each other we have done great things. Society and human interaction has been vital to our survival and existence.

Humans are at the same time Individuals with uniquely individual minds and experiences.

How we define our individual experiences, if not in poetry or dance or other non-verbal non-contextual forms, is almost completely dependent on Society. Communication depends on Society. Without words that represent concepts that society agrees to there is no communication. Thought Expression depends on society, though thought itself would still occur without society. The expression of thought, would occur, but would be less effective in communication and probably formulation without society based language. Expression has been enhanced by society, though at the same time as it sets some limitations on how humans can define their thoughts.

The Value of Society is HUGE to the overall picture of Human existence. Yet at the very same time, and as vitally, the Individual is vitally important.

The tendency towards simplification of Judgment is a serious issue for our human intelligence. Complexity has never been an issue to our minds, but the moves towards Reductionism in Science over the last centuries, has made its way into popular Mind culture and we now look more for black and white judgment as a relief from the more realistic grey judgments that we should be making. This kind of thinking is what makes it difficult to allow for two equally important ideas to co-exist and flourish. Instead we have been demanding clearer definitions when no such thing truly exists. We have even turned to computers and mathematics as our guides, as if they will be able to sort out the complexity and find the solution where no paradox exists. Luckily, the Human mind and thus the Human Society are smarter than their own big ideas.

Good luck!

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