English, asked by Tavinanyibchareonpon, 4 months ago

as and when

pls answer these questions below
note:the word below is a help box
-all and sundry
-really and truly
-long and short of it
-near and far
-odds and ends
-by and large
-lo and behold

When the little girl got the puppy she has longed for, she was__________happy.

Grandma searched for her spectacles, but________they were on her head all
the while!

We will start wearing warm coats______the days start getting colder.

During the weekend, I decided to tidy up the attic which was filled with unwanted

Children learn to speak a language______by imitating words they hear.

The famous actor did not give interviews because he did not want ______to know details of his personal life.

People came from _________to watch the magician perform rare magic tricks.

The_______is that we missed our flight because we got up late and could not reach the airport in time.


Answered by aradhanachristian346


1. really and truly

2. lo and behold


4.odds and ends


6. all and sundry

7.near and far

8. long and short of it

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