As Cultural Secretary of your school, write a letter to the Cultural Program .
05 Jan, 2019
B. Amrita Chettinad School
Chennai Cultural Program Co-ordinator
Don Bosco School
Perambur Sir,
Sub: Information regarding inter-school competition
We have received the notification about the interschool competitions to be held in your school. Kindly confirm the details that is mentioned in the poster.
1. Participants from school: 25 No.s
2. Registration fees : Rs. 250/- (DD attached)
3. Time of entry: 8.30 am
4. No. of competitions a participant can take part in: 3
5. No. of teachers to accompany students: 3
6. Last date for registration: 10.01.2019
The specific conditions and eligibility criteria may please be intimated to us. I hope you will provide the necessary information at the earliest .
Yours faithfully
B. Amrita Sports Secretary
Cultural Program Co-ordinator
Don Bosco School,
Perambur Chennai
hii guys byee have great time