English, asked by vijaysaw73668pituyk, 9 months ago

As early as lour oldock in the morning the pilgrims can seen
along way the famous bathing steps known as the Chats.
From there, they for boats to the holy river Ganges
By this time, the pilgrims are already bething the holy river.
Miko's father gave him a new car his last birthday
Initially, he quite apprehensive of driving the car.
However, with encouragement his father
he successfully got the fear.
Now he drves around
confidently. He loves going the beach.
So, one sunny day Miko decided to drive the beach by himself.
All his hapes shatternd when his sister said she would ride with him.
Miko would driven faster if his sister had not criticised his
every move and screamed hysterically whenever he braked hard.​


Answered by cute1836



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