Hindi, asked by pranavchowdary3847, 5 months ago

As per few sources, the oldest record of what being sent was a poem written by a French duke Charles to his wife in 1415?


Answered by KDP100

The correct answer for this question is Valentine

Answered by ridhimakh1219



  • The “valentine” itself was actually a couple of lines in a poem which is written by Charles, the Duke of Orléans, in 1415, when he was 21 years old. Charles grew up within the fractious French royalty.
  • In 1415, Charles, duke of Orléans gave his wife a valentine while being tied in prisoner in the Tower of London.
  • The French nobleman was wounded and captured at the Battle of Agincourt throughout  the Hundred Year's War. The duchess died before the poem could reach to her.

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