As per Model Question Paper-1
SECTION-A (Reading)
20 Marks
1. Read the following passage carefully.
& marks
1 Few animals are as useful or as unpopular as the goat. From ancient Umes, It has supplied
people with milk and meat. Its skin has been made into leather and the wool of some
breeds woven into soft, warm cloth. Goats are hardy creatures, and can live on the green
remains of a thomy bush or a poor grassland. Nevertheless, they have always had a bad
reputation. Perhaps this is because the billy goats (males) often have a bad temper and a
strong, "unpleasant smell. Goats also do serious damage to young trees and other plants,
and can quickly reduce lush grazing land to barren wasteland.
2 For its size, the goat provides man with more useful things than almost any other animal,
yet it often does not receive the food and care glven to other animals. The goat will try to
eat anything and will put up with the most uncomfortable surroundings. But if it is well-fed
and carefully housed, the goat will produce much better milk, flesh and wool.
3 The goat is very closely related to the sheep. In fact, it looks very much like a sheep except
for three things. It has a shorter tail which tums up instead of hanging down. Goats (both
males and females) have beards and backward-slanting horns, whereas male sheep (rams)
have curly horns. Goats have a hairy coat whereas sheep a woolly one.
4 Goats can be divided into three groups - the Swiss goats, the eastern goats and the wool
goats. The Swiss goats, which are found all over Europe and have upright, pointed ears,
produce a fine quality of milk. Goat's milk is considered to be especially good for babies and
invalids because it is easier to digest than cow's milk. It is also made into cheese and used
In the manufacture of the famous Swiss chocolate. The eastern goats which have long,
drooping ears, are raised both for milk and flesh. They are also valued for their short wool,
which may be black, tan or white. However, the best wool comes from two goats in the third
group - the Angora and the Cashmere breeds. The Angora, which came originally from near
Ankara, the capital of Turkey, is now bred in castern Europe, southern Africa, Australia and
the United States. The smaller Cashmere goat is difficult to raise outside its native home of
Kashmir, Its soft underhalr has long been used to make the famous Cashmere shawls.
1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following question:
(a) The tail of a sheep
(1) turns up.
(11) hangs down.
(iii) has no wool.
(iv) is shorter than that of a goat.
have beards and backward slanting horns.
(1) Male goats.
(ii) Female goats.
(111) Both male and female goats. (iv) Both male and female sheep.
(c) The ears of Swiss goats are
(1) pointed and upright,
(11) short and woolly.
(d) The best wool comes from
(1) Swiss and eastern goats.
(ii) long and drooping
(iv) long and pointed.
eastern and Turkish goats.
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i want to answer for this question or not why ask this type of large question. fool, non-sense pigs
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