As per recorded temperature per two hours in a day from 6am to 6pm, calculate the range and mean temperature of a day
The range of the temperature is given below and the mean of the temperature of a day is 19 ⁰C.
I have recorded the 5 temperatures of today using thermometer in sunny day outdoors and these recordings are at the difference of three hours.
These recordings are
⇒ 7 am = 19.5 ⁰C
⇒ 10 am = 18.5 ⁰C
⇒ 1 pm = 19.5 ⁰C
⇒ 4 pm = 19 ⁰C
⇒ 7 pm = 18.5 ⁰C
Range = Largest - Smallest
= 12
Therefore, 12 is the range temperature of the day.
= 25.33
Therefore, 25.33 mean temperature of the day.