As pip, who has recently come to know about is secret benefactor, write a diary entry within 120 words expressing your feelings about the convict and how you had misunderstood him earlier.
Answered by
June 1, 2018
10 a.m.
Dear Diary,
Today has been a strange day full of realisations. A seeming stranger turned out to be the convict in the marshes, who also happens to be my secret benefactor. As wonderful it is to know who has been supporting me all these years, it doesn’t make me happy. I feel cheated. Miss Havisham is not building my future, as I mistakenly thought. So, there is no hope for Estella and me. What is even worse is that I am ethically bound to help Magwitch and I don’t know what to do. It has really become a matter of life and death for both Magwitch and me. Estella of course, doesn’t care.
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