As Radha, a resident of A-500, Ram Baag Colony, Delhi, write a letter to the editor of a national daily to lodge your protest against frequent incidents of road rage in the National Capital Region (NCR). (100 words)
Ram Bagh Colony
Delhi- 110001
March 7, 2021
The Editor
The Chronicle
Subject: Need to check frequency of incidents of road rage
Dear Sir
The purpose of this letter is to highlight the frequency of incidents related to road rage, which are reported each day. This is not how civilised society is expected to behave and a lot desires to be done. The basic cause of road rage is stress, alcoholism and faulty time management. Each individual can contribute positively by consciously staying away from alcohol while driving, remaining calm and travelling with a little buffer time. The authorities too should ensure that such incidents are not taken lightly and severe punishment should be meted out to the guilty. I hope the citizens wake up to their responsibility towards society.
Yours sincerely