English, asked by ruby4516, 3 months ago

As said by Albert Einstein 'I think its not the facts that matter but ideas'. Keeping his words in mind, write a speech in about 120-150 words. Class 11 English

Very ur.ge.nt
Plsss ans. a.s.a.p


Answered by ss0228896


The lesson begins with little Albert’s encounter with his history teacher, where the teacher is asking him about a particular date from the past and as usual, our unattentive Albert doesn’t know the answer. This moment leads us to a little speech given by Einstein in the class about what “education” should include and what they are being taught is irrelevant. It ends up in him being punished by the teacher, which again, is not new. Then the lesson talks about how Albert disliked his neighbourhood because of all the slum

Answered by Jamaludheen
He said to his history teacher Mr.Brawn because according to Albert theory for education learning facts is not important but knowing the cause of it is more important just like date of battle of prussians at waterloo or how many soldiers were killed is not important according to Albert but why they were killing each other is more important.
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