As the procurement manager of school, place an order with the manufacturer for the supply of school bags.
Mathura Road
New Delhi
20 January 20XX
The Proprietor
126, Ambience's Palace New Delhi
Subject: Placement of an order for the supply of school bags.
This is to inform you that our school management has decided to place an order with your company for the supply of school bags. The list of items is given below. The price quotation submitted by your agents has been approved and the institutional discount of 10% offered by you has been accepted.
Kindly make it convenient to send the delivery within 15 days of the issue of this letter.
List of Items Description Quantity Unit Price Total Amount
01. School Bags 60 120 7200/-
Yours Sincerely,
(Head of Dept)
Kindly refer to the attachment.
Hope it helps you!
Please mark me as brainliest.