As the sales manager of Fibroplastic Corporation, Write a letter to M/s Neelgagan, Mumbai, placing an order for plastic chairs and garden tables. Invent required details.
Fibroplastic Corporation
May 15, 2020
M/s Neelgagan
Subject: Purchase of plastic chairs and garden tables
I wish to place a bulk order for the supply of plastic furniture. The particulars of the furniture and their quantity to be supplied are given below: Particulars Quantity
1. Plastic Chairs (Medium Size, Red) 200
2. Plastic Chairs (Large Size,White) 200
3. Tables (Medium Size, Red) 50
4. Tables (Large Size,White) 50
Kindly give us maximum discount. Do send us the equipment from the fresh lot. I am enclosing a cheque of Rs 50000/- as down payment. The rest of the payment of the furniture will be digitally made. Do let us know the date by which you will deliver the furniture. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,
Mr Rahul
The Manager
Heya mate here's the answer Mark as brainliest pleaseeeeee follow