as we
Divide 7766503 and 423 to find quotient and remainder. Also verify the answer
On dividing 7766503 by 423 we get Quotient 18360 and remainder 223
Step-by-step explanation:
Dividend = 7766503
Divisor = 423
Quotient = 18360
Remainder = 223
Now, Quotient × Divisor + Remainder = 18360 × 423 + 223
= 7766503 = Dividend
Hence the answer is verified
The Division is given below:
Step-by-step explanation:
Our question is: as we Divide 7766503 and 423 to find quotient and remainder. Also verify the answer.
The first thing we must do is apply what is know by Euclidean algorithm, using the division algorithm. Thus let us think about a number that multiplied by 423 is a good approximation to 7766503.
Lets say 20000, 20000 * 423 = 8460000
This number is greater than 7766503 hence it does not fit for this, the number we are looking for is the greatest number that when multiplied by 423 the result is smaller than 7766503.
As an exercise you should get to this number.
Let us say that the number is 18360 (try to get the same number by yourself), if we multiply 18360 by 423 we get 7766280.
Now in order to know the remainder we need to know how many number are left till 7766503, then we need to do a subtraction:
7766503 - 7766280 = 223
Hence, we conclude that our quotient is 18360 and our remainder is 223.
If we want to verify this numbers are correct we just need o show that:
7766503 = 423 * 18360 + 223, which is true.
I hope this helps your studies!!
Keep ip up!