as we go higher the boiling point of water decreases what is the effect on melting point of ice
If, as we go higher than sea level, the boiling point of water decreases, then what would be effect on the melting point of solids?
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The effect would be negligible because pressure has no effect on either solids or liquids, since they are incompressible. That is why melting enthalpys are almost constant with pressure.
The easiest way to see this is putting some steam in a syringe and compress it with your finger, so you see how some of it condenses. Now fill the syringe with water and try to turn it into ice the same way. Good luck with that.
I edit because in fact ice has the strange quality of being less dense than water, so in fact it should be the other way around. Fill it with ice and compress it while keeping the whole system below zero degrees Celsius to turn it into liquid water. Still, if you have seen what happens when you put a can of coke in the freezer, you will know that your finger better be stronger than metal...