as world war left russia in such as
situation that it led to belarrar
revolution in Petrograd Do you agree
(i) In World War I, Russian defeats were shocking and demoralising. Russia’s army lost badly in Germany and Austria between 1914 and 1916.
ii) As they retreated, the Russian army destroyed crops and buildings to prevent the enemy from being able to live off the land. The destruction of crops and buildings led to over 3 million refugees in Russia.
iii) The war had a severe impact on industry. Russia’s own industries were few in number and the country was cut off from other suppliers of industrial goods by German control of the Baltic Sea.
iv) Industrial equipment disintegrated more rapidly in Russia than elsewhere in Europe. By 1916, railway lines began to break down.
yes I agree with the statement because - :
1) All the workers quarters and the factors were located on the right Bank of the river Neva on the left bank but the fashionable areas the winter palace official buildings and the palace where duma met.
2) In the February 1917 there was a food shortage in the workers quarters on 22nd February are lockout took place at the factory leading to a strike by the workers
3) Another factories also occurs when to strike and women led to the way to the strikes this came to call the international women's day.
4) The workers ultimately cross the river and surrounded the official building in the protest
5) The government imposed a curfew and called out the cavalry and police to keep a check on them.