As you are Kiran Malhotra a resident of 22 model house Jalandhar write a letter to the editor of The Times of India expressing your views on the custom of dowry.
Letter to the editor of The Times of India expressing my views on the custom of dowry:
Kiran Malhotra,
22, Modal house,
The Editor,
The times of India,
Dear sir,
I saw your advertisement to write an article about ‘custom of dowry’ in the previous week's edition. I share my views through this letter. Dowry custom was an old tradition when the parents of daughters give their belongings especially gold and money voluntarily to their daughters during their marriage. But later on, that becomes a tradition for Indian marriages and some families have started demanding gold and money for their son.
This is because those days the girls were not allowed to educate and they were also considered as lower sex. But nowadays girls are equally competitive with boys and they are equally bold and brave. We can see girls in all fields including the army, pilot, police, etc.,
So as a new generation we should have lateral thinking to come out of these old traditions which cause greater risk to the girl and the girl’s family, especially if they are poor. Sometimes this also leads to domestic violence. This is the right time to create awareness for the girls that they should be brave enough to fight against the boy’s family if the dowry is the problem.
Thank you for the opportunity.