English, asked by chaudharykartaram61, 9 days ago

अशोक एक महान प्रसिद्ध सम्राट था उनका अधिकांश जीवन जन सेवा में व्यतीत होता था उन्होंने अच्छी सड़कें बनवाई कुआं खुदवाने पेड़ लगवाए जिसमें कि जिससे कि उनकी प्रजा सुखी रहे​


Answered by Yuichiro

Ashoka was a great famous emperor, most of his life was spent in public service, he built good roads and got trees dug wells, so that his subjects would be happy.

Answered by bhatiamona

Translate the following paragraph into English :

अशोक एक महान सम्राट था । उसका सम्पूर्ण जीवन जनसेवा में व्यतीत हुआ । उसने अच्छी सड़के बनवाई, कुएँ खुदवाए, पेड़ लगवाए, इसीलिए उसकी प्रजा सुखी थी । वह बहुत से काम स्वयं करता था । वह अफसरों पर कोई काम नहीं छोड़ता था । आज भी लोग अशोक को याद करते हैं ।

Translation in the English language as follows:

Ashoka was a great emperor. His whole life was spent in public service. He made good roads, dug wells, planted trees, that's why his people were happy. He used to do many things himself. He did not leave any work to the officers. Even today people remember Ashoka.


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मेरी कमीज गंदी है। English translate​?


Translate the following into English.

1. तुम्हारा प्रिय भोजन क्या है?

English Translation : What is your favorite food?

2. मुझे मिठाई खाना बहुत पसंद है।

English Translation : I like to eat sweets very much.

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