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MAJOR DOMAINS OF THE EARTHAs you have read in the first chapter, the earth is theonly planet which has life. Human beings can live herebecause the life sustaining elements of land, water andair are present on the earth.The surface of the earth is a complex zone in whichthree main components of the environment meet,overlap and interact. The solid portion of the earth onwhich we live is called the Lithosphere. The gaseouslayers that surround the earth, is the Atmosphere,where oxygen, nitrogen, carbondioxide and other gasesare found. Water covers a very big area of the earth’ssurface and this area is called the Hydrosphere. TheHydrosphere comprises water in all its forms, that is,ice, water and water vapour.The Biosphere is the narrow zone where we findland, water and air together, which contains all formsof lifeLITHOSPHEREThe solid portion of the earth is called the Lithosphere.It comprises the rocks of the earth’s crust and the thinlayers of soil that contain nutrient elements whichsustain organisms.There are two main divisions of the earth’s surface.The large landmasses are known as the continentsand the huge water bodies are called the ocean basins.All the oceans of the world are connected with oneanother. Look at the map of the world (Figure 5.1). Areall the land masses connected with one another?The level of seawater remains the same everywhere.Elevation of land is measured from the level of the sea,which is taken as zero
While large parts of South America, Africa and Asia are located in the Southern Hemisphere, the only two continents whose entire territory is south of the Equator are Australia and Antarctica. Each of these continents has large areas that are inhospitable to human life, but beyond that they have little in common.