Biology, asked by LUCKYNUMBER777, 7 months ago

Asif touched the plant of Mimosa pudica, touch-me-not plant and the plant folded its leaflets immediately. After some time, he observed that the leaves of the plant regained their shapes. a. What could be the reason of folding and unfolding of the plant leaflets? b. Name the type of movement occurring in the plant.



Answered by dreamartist1914


the folding of leaves is because the plant want to protect themselves from the animals which came eat them and unfolding of leaf is because the animal or your touch is not with the plant

Answered by 10240


A. When touched, this sensitive leaf reacts to stimulus as there is a higher pressure at that point and the water in the vacuoles of the cells of the leaf lose water to the adjacent cell. All the water escapes the leaf (via the pulvinus) which then becomes flaccid. This causes the leaves to close.

The leaves of the Mimosa achieve this rapid folding by a change in turgor pressure.

B. The type of movement is shown by 'mimosa plant leaves' when touch with a finger is termed as nastic moment. The nastic moment is the moment that happened in a plant rapidly in response to the change in the external stimuli.

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