ask a student to write their own stories about flying it could be about flying in an aeroplane or flying a kite aur about watching a bird flying in short anything to do with light give students 10 minutes to think it about the topic during this day time they can make notes about what they want to say then ask for volunteers speakers. I want a story for this question
A bird flying
Nothing can give ,more happiness to a caged bird that has somehow escaped its cage and has managed to fly ion its own. This story s a very sort one where a recency escaped bird from cage meets the other one who has just started to fly from its own nest after experiencing a life of hatching and being cared with other siblings in a nest.
The first bird said that it was now feeling a life full of freedom while the second one said that it was now able to lead an independent life free from all others. Both had one common feature of commonality, i.e. flying in the air that gave them happiness.
In life too, we all are in different situations but there is some commonality that binds us together at the same plane called life.