Ask about our fundamental rights..
What is our four fundamental rights
Those are:
Right to freedom
Right to vote
Right to education
Right to equality
Question: Explain our fundamental rights.
→ Right to Equality.
→ Right to Freedom.
→ Right against exploitation.
→ Right to Freedom of Religion.
→ Cultural and Educational Rights.
→ Constitutional Remedies.
→ Right to Equality.
The constitution says that the government shall not deny to any person in India, equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws. The government shall not discriminate against any citizen or grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex of place of birth.
→ Right to Freedom.
Freedom refers to the absence of constraints. In our lives, it means that there is absence of interference by other's in our affairs. Also, you cant excersise your your freedom in such a manner that violates others right to freedom.
→ Right against exploitation.
Every citizen has a right not to be exploited. Our constitution also prohibits fored labour of 'begar' in any form. Begar is a practice where the worker is forced to render service to the 'master', free of charge or at nominal remuneration.
→ Right to Freedom of Religion.
In India, various people follow a variety of religions, while some may or may not believe in religion. Indian secularism practices an attitude of principiled and equal distance from all religions. The state has to be neutral and impartial in dealing with all religions. Every perso has the right to profess, practice and propagate the religion he/she believes in.
→ Cultural and Educational Rights.
The language, culture and religion of the minorities need to be protected in a special manner. If its not done so, they might get neglected or undermined under the impact of the practices of the majority. Any section of citizens with a distinct language or culture have a right to conserve it.
→ Constitutional Remedies.
The right to seek enforcement for the fundamental rights is known as Right to Constitutional Remedies. This right makes other rights effective. When any of our rights are violated, we can seek remedy through courts. This right is also called the 'Heart of the Soul' of our constitution by Dr. BR Ambedkar.