Social Sciences, asked by nousheenbushra295, 4 months ago

Ask and write when the cattle is taken to hospital?
What happens if there is no​


Answered by SmotherQueen


which chapter, which standard????

Answered by govardhanagirise76


When properly used, body temperature can be a good indicator of illness. A greater incidence of calf illness can be identified using body temperatures rather than visual observation alone. One common rule of thumb in beef cattle operations is to designate cattle with rectal temperatures of 104 °Fahrenheit or greater as sick. In addition, consider visibly ill cattle sick regardless of body temperature.

Body temperature rises in cattle infected with a disease-causing organism as the immune system begins to fight the infection. Some untreated cattle overcome infection and recover, while others suffer elevated body temperatures and show other signs of illness. In cattle that begin to succumb to disease, clinical signs worsen and body temperature eventually falls well below normal, creating a dangerous health situation. Early detection of elevated body temperatures and rapid recognition of clinical signs of illness are important for effective treatment of sick cattle.

To use body temperature properly as a measure of illness, it is necessary to know what is “normal.”

Unfortunately, normal temperatures for cattle rise during the day. Cattle producers must consider this when deciding when to use body temperature as an indicator for pulling sick cattle.

Cattle do not maintain body temperature in a tight range as humans do. Unlike humans, cattle expel body heat primarily through respiration rather than sweating. In fact, body temperature in cattle follows a daily pattern where there is a period of increasing heat load and rising body temperature followed by a period of heat dissipation and falling body temperature.

Cattle body temperatures rise during the day rather than the animals spending energy to get rid of the heat. Minimum body temperature usually occurs early in the morning, then steadily increases during the day. The heat load built up during the day is dissipated at night such that body temperature falls gradually during the night, reaching a daily low early in the morning. This process occurs even on cold days.

Cattle body temperatures tend to increase during daylight hours. Heat load is then dissipated at night. This is the case in both warm and cold weather conditions. It also occurs in controlled environments with a standard temperature, so factors other than the outside temperature have a significant influence on cattle body temperature. Feeding, activity level, solar radiation, and humidity also influence cattle body temperatures. Acute elevations in body temperature occur directly after feeding or exercise.

Fevers are identified more accurately when body temperatures are at their daily lows. For proper identification of sick cattle, make sure that body temperatures are not taken too late in the day when false positives for illness might occur.

While working cattle in the late evening may seem like a good idea, cattle generally need several hours past sundown to dissipate heat and cool down from an extremely hot day. It is critical to take temperatures before mid-morning. Producers measuring cattle temperature in the afternoon, even on a cold day, and letting cattle stand around for three or four hours before processing may identify cattle for treatment that are actually healthy.

Be careful to minimize exercise and stress just before measuring temperatures. Cattle should never stand for more than 20 minutes in alleyways or chute of handling facilities before temperatures are taken. Once in the chute, measure body temperatures immediately. It may be necessary to divide cattle into small groups that can be worked in a reasonable amount of time instead of trying to work the entire group at once.

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