English, asked by Anshuldeepsahu9300, 1 year ago

Asl speech on culture


Answered by MrPerfect0007


Culture is the education or state of giving birth. It is the idea and philosophy of a particular society at a specific time.

In fact, culture is created by ethics and moral values ​​that govern a society.

Culture is the result of many factors like social religious beliefs, rituals, traditions etc.

It is important that we develop our culture with rich and positive ideas.

Due to unity in diversity, India is always considered to be a culturally rich country in the world.

There are many states in India where different food dishes, traditions, beliefs, social customs, dresses, languages, festivals etc.

are found. India is a vast country and Hindu, Jain, Islam, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist and Parsi etc. are followed here on all major religions of the world.

The specialty of our country is secularism and the best part is that every citizen of India lives in unity and peace by respecting each other's beliefs and culture. We celebrate every opportunity with prayer, feast, fairs, singing, dance and colorful dresses enthusiastically.

Students are the future of our country and we want all our students to absorb our cultural values ​​and promote goodwill and peace in the country. It is seen that some anti-social elements have harmed the country's respect and its rich heritage. We appeal to you that instead of being the most impressed you, instead of supporting Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and Dr. BR Ambedkar, the ideals of great men.

In our country , we celebrate all the festivals such as Diwali, EId, Dusshera, Holi, Christmas, Vaisakhi, Onam, Gurperv, Pongal, Bihu etc.

and we request all those students to participate in these festivals with complete heart . The success of all these opportunities depends entirely on your enthusiasm and innovative ideas, while the college administration will always stand with you to provide all kinds of support and support.

On the one hand, where India is known for its cultural prosperity, on the other hand, it has gained great fame and worthy place in the world of science.
Now the scientific attitude has become an inseparable aspect of Indian culture and society.

After saying all this, I would like to say that it is easy to give birth to culture but it is very difficult to preserve it.

Our elders have made constant efforts to build such a holistic and racially rich culture for many years, so it is important for us that we all preserve it and I am sure we can be successful in doing this.


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