English, asked by shrutisingh97, 1 year ago

Asl speech on Netflix and contemporary India​


Answered by BhaveshMalviya

India’s cultural heritage dates back to 5000 years. Very few countries in the world have a social and religious structure which withstood invasions and persecution and yet kept its identity by being resilient enough to absorb, ignore or reject all attempts to radically change or destroy them. Indian culture is unique because of its diversity and variety in physical, religious, racial, linguistic and artistic fields. Here are a few examples of it like Indian Paintings which flourished as an art form, from the pre-historic age. Indian Dance is a way of communication using the body as a medium. The expressions of dances are perhaps most developed, yet easily understood. Indian Music As in dance, the nine emotions are basic to Indian music. The ‘raga’ the basic musical mode is rendering the seven musical notes Indian Literature The first known written work of Indian literature is the ‘Ramayana’, in Sanskrit, by Sage ‘Valmiki’ around 4th century BC. Indian Fashion The colourful and diversified clothing of Indians from the different parts of the country are very much attracted to a foreign traveller in India. Religions India is a secular democracy and is the home to Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and many other religions. Thus we can proudly say that we are the best.

I hope that helps you

BhaveshMalviya: please like
BhaveshMalviya: please mark brainliest
shrutisingh97: Yes! It helped thanks
BhaveshMalviya: please maek
BhaveshMalviya: please mark
BhaveshMalviya: which class this question
shrutisingh97: I'm in 11th and I'm having my Asl so that's the topic I decided to go for.
pooja43424: hi
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