English, asked by primrose5, 5 months ago

ASL speech on silk road English


Answered by Sankalp050


Are you from UP? I'm having a suspect that you are from UP..

Answered by SGS126




Silk Road is an infusion from a travelogue written by Nick Middleton. The writer recounts his journey to Mount Kailash. As the narrator begins from Ravu towards Kailash to do

Kora, he explains all the elements which he had witnessed such as landscape, people and animals. He desires to be more courageous than to be methodical. The Silk Road was the principal trade route connecting Kashmir and China. Silk was one of the principal assets that were purchased in those areas. So, it was appropriately named ‘Silk Road’.

It was early morning when the writer left Ravu with his comrades Daniel and Tsetan. Tsetan, the driver of his vehicle, identified the short cut route to Mount Kailash. They drove across the vast open luxurious plains to the rough plains.

They reached Darchen at midnight. The poet had to spend a difficult night in Darchen. In the daylight, Tsetan took him to Darchen Medical College. The Tibetan physician gave him

some medication and affirmed him that he would be able to do the Kora. Tsetan went back leaving the author alone after his restoration. The author was concerned because there were no travelers at Darchen. He couldn’t find a single person who converses enough English to clarify his

issues. He met Norbu in Drachen's cafe. Norbu introduces himself to the author and ready to come along with him to kora. The author was fortunate to find his company.

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