ASL topic advantage of co-education in india
Advantages of Coeducation
The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, said that Co-education creates a feeling of comradeship. He advocated teaching of both the male and female sexes in the same institution without showing any discrimination in imparting education. Coeducation has many advantages indeed. Let’s have a look at a few of them.
The first advantage is the economy. India is a fast developing country, with second largest population in the world. If the government were to provide separate modern educational facilities, it would be impossible. Thus coeducational institutes are the best viable option for spreading education among the Indian girls and boys.
For both girls and boys co-education provides a more realistic way of training young people to take their places naturally in the wider community of men and women. It helps to break down the misconceptions of each gender about the other and provides an excellent foundation for the development of realistic, meaningful and lasting relationships in later life. Coeducation provides both girls and boys to not only understand the typical behavior of their counterpart, but also develops in them camaraderie and cooperation.
Frank learning environment develops in a very natural way in co-educational schools. This happens because there are so many activities, societies and clubs in the school in which girls and boys take part in a pleasant, well-supervised environment. Friendships develop naturally and genuinely because the mixing is a by-product of the event. This friendly atmosphere continues into the classroom allowing young people to express their views openly and assertively.
Besides the above mentioned advantages there are other many behavioral decorum and etiquette that boys and girls learn from each other. Boys' boorishness is tamed by the civilising influence of the girls; girls' cattiness is tamed by the more relaxed approach of the boys. It's a win-win situation. In India, girls are academically brilliant; as a result boys are motivated to do well in studies also.
India is a promising country forging ahead towards development and advancement. It is country of freedom and equality for all. All the new milestones in its onward march are to be achieved by all Indians together. So coeducational institutes represent that equality that India stands for.