English, asked by sakshikumarijain2004, 5 months ago

ASL topic Lockdown period - A boon or a bane?​


Answered by rajnish2003


Nature has its own way to correct and save itself from the imbalance that disturbs the ecology evolution due to human interventions. As we progress on frontiers with zeal to concur the nature, and all of a sudden, we come across something as trivial as the corona, a tiny little virus that has shaken the whole world and forced all of us to be confined to our homes. No weapon that we so proudly and passionately discovered and produce to threaten each other, they all remain inadequate and useless in front of a tiny little virus that hardly weighs 0.0000000001 mg and yet so powerful that it can destroy the entire human race without any sound or big bang, it silently travels across and takes its toll.

No cause, what so ever can have such a spontaneous response from society to get themselves lockdown, just to prevent spread of this deadly weapon that makes no sound, has no color, does not smell and cannot be seen with naked eyes, yet so powerful that it can swipe the entire human population in just fourteen days.

We seek astrological guidance where all pandits do predict various forecasting the future difficulties that we would encounter, but surprisingly no one predicted CORONA, such a powerful weapon that was on its way (of course I am not challenging anybody’s intelligence with these comments), however the fact remains that this weapon is so powerful that it can scape any radar that human has ever developed (will be a good subject for researchers to develop a radar that can detect it).

With all said and done I look at it as a boon for all of us, perhaps its nature’s way to teach us that with such events the entire world has learnt to be close to their family, be disciplined on a single call, the air quality has improved tremendously all over the world as minimum vehicle movements are seen, people have learnt to follow good hygienic practices and learnt the importance of social distancing, all politically powerful leaders have forgotten their differences and are concentrating on controlling their own country from this silent killer that has creeped slowly and silently in human fraternity. Leaders have kept their differences away and all are on one platform. Does that not sounds like a boon to humanity instead of curse, yes indeed it is, although I do pay my earnest homage to all those who have lost their lives under COVID 19, let their sacrifice be seen as a lesson for all those are still alive and safe from this tragedy.

I agree that the financial impact of this change in course of human activity will have grave consequences but the same, if compared to the multifield benefits it has passed on is negligible, which perhaps we are not really looking in to, may be because, we are too busy fighting COVID 19 pandemic.

Economy as we call it has also evolved because of our own greed of accumulating more than what we need and on that front also we have all learnt how we can survive with a very little of what we have and therefore, economic considerations of what we have lost has no meaning against what we have gained in terms of social awareness, fighting spirit without a weapon, surviving with basic needs and careering for each other across all religion, cast or creed is more valuable than any economic consideration, as these are the real values that makes human a better animal then that of animal world which never needed such lessons and therefore they have no threat from COVID 19, well that’s the Nature, the most powerful entity on mother earth, and it’s time we learnt to respect and be aligned with nature’s way to grow and let the nature live in its sustainable format of evolution.

To conclude I see this outbreak as a boon to humanity wherein we all have learnt to be patient, aligned, conclusive and above all respect our nature with all earnest desire, learn from it towards being better human being and care for all. Our forest, our oceans, our animal kingdom and our environment all have a harmonious amalgamation which we should not disturb in the zeal for more

Answered by ayushbag03

Information technology has emerged as a superhero in this lockdown period. We all are under house arrest but still connected with outer world. People are working from home, sharing information and jokes, learning new recipes and DIY ideas, online workouts, virtual indoor marathons and last but not the least kids having their online classes.

Initially I was not in favour of these online classes . I use to think what’s the requirement of online classes for primary section kids as in they have to face board exams!! But gradually I started liking it as it give kids a routine or say a kickstart for otherwise lazy lockdown days. With the uncertainty of the lockdown period people got serious about online classes and started considering it as the future of our education system.

Schools are the first encounter for kids to the outside uncocooned, unknown world. For the first time they come out of their comfort and cushioned zone. They meet people from different cultures and cuisines. They learn to do things on their own. They make new friends,new games and new avenues for themselves. They learn to work as team . They expand their limits.

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