Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do
Activity: If there was no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you do for society and why? Submit a write up in not more than 1500 characters
Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do
Activity: If there was no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you do for society and why? Submit a write up in not more than 1500 characters
A society is formed mainly by the people who live there, the way they think and have concerns for their community. Improving a society can be done in various ways such as educating them, providing free health care, giving them latest facilities but i would like to impart education to my society if given the opportunity.
My aim would be to improve the society via education and for that purpose i will increase the number of schools, focus on quality education, make education free for all
Key idea is that education is most important when uplifting a society and to take it on a development track.