assay on india in space
most populous democracy in the world. It is located in South Asia and was officially declared as the Republic of India after its independence from British rule. India has unique topographical features – plains of central India, rain forests of the north east, icy cold Himalayan region and dry arid desert in west, among others. The cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of India is as much diverse as its geography.
Indian culture differs from place to place and is a union of several different cultures, spread across the length and breadth of the continent. Although there are 22 Languages imbibed in the Constitution of India, there are more than 1900 dialects or mother tongues are spoken throughout the nation. This huge cultural and linguistic diversity of India is one of its most distinguished features.
Many countries have been trying to establish their superiority in the space. Some want at least their presence felt. The history of space programmes of the progressive countries has been a Chequered one. It has been rather a part of the cold war between two big powers – the erstwhile USSR and USA. The space becomes a store house of the nuclear arsenal of the west. With the disintegration of the former USSR the things have changed everywhere. India’s concern for peaceful ventures in the space has become relevant.
For the common man in this country space is associated with the name of Sq.Ldr.Rakesh Sharma, the only Indian so far to visit the space abroad Soyuz T-11 of Soviet Union on April 5, 1984.It was a short journey fulfilling the ambition of India to have an astronaut. It was actually no achievement for India – a mere lift given by a space traveler to an Indian too. India has not yet enjoyed the luxury of having a space ship of her own. We cannot afford the high cost. Moreover it has no utility for a country that has been in favor of programmes for peace.
Indian scientists and state man did not want to probe the space as much as they wanted to probe the earth from space. The programme had already been launched by different countries – specially the USA, former USSR and West European countries. The intentions were not fair. Besides probing into the natural wealth of the earth they probe into the secrets of army in other countries. The spaceships became the third eye of the KGB and CIA.
India has no intention to interfere in the affairs of other countries. On the contrary we have cooperated with the USA, the former USSR, France, the UK, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Space Agency in making progress in the field of using spacecrafts for peaceful purposes. The space programmes of India began with setting up of rocket launching station at Thumba, a village near Thiruvanathapuram in 1963. The Thumba Equatorial Rocket launching Station became the centre for the growth of ISRO. It has, now, seven associate centres, two at Ahmadabad, three at Bangalore, one at Sriharikota and one at Thiruvanathapuram.
The Indian satellite launching programme was initiated in1982 with the unsuccessful lunching of INSAT-IA.INSAT-IC also met the same fate. But IB launched from Kennedy space centre, Florida in 1983 and ID from Cape Canaveral in1990 were great success. They provided telecommunication facilities and were of a great help in radio and television network and weather monitoring. Since these four satellites were made by a US Communication Corporation India can hardly take full credit for their achievement. we had to wait till 1991 for the indigenously developed spacecrafts.