Political Science, asked by shuiswathy, 6 months ago

Assessment on
Popular struggle movement


Answered by c31bhoumiksasmal


Popular struggles in Nepal and Bolivia

In Chapter 1 of Class 9 Political Science, you have studied the story of the triumph of democracy in Poland. The story reminds you of the role of the people in making Poland a democratic country. Here are 2 more stories through which you get to know how power is exercised in a democracy.

Movement for Democracy in Nepal

Nepal witnessed a popular movement in April 2006, which was aimed at regaining popular control over the government from the king. All the major political parties in the parliament formed a Seven Party Alliance (SPA) and called for a four-day strike in Kathmandu. They demanded;

Restoration of parliament

Power to an all-party government

A new constituent assembly

On 24 April 2006, the king was forced to accept all the three demands. In 2008, the kingship was abolished and Nepal became a federal democratic republic. In 2015, it adopted a new constitution. The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to democrats all over the world.

Democratic Politics Bolivia’s Water War

People’s successful struggle against the privatisation of water in Bolivia shows that struggles are necessary for the working of democracy.

Democracy and Popular Struggles

The stories of Nepal and Bolivia were different from each other. The movement in Nepal was to establish democracy, while the struggle in Bolivia involved claims on an elected, democratic government. Both these struggles show their impact at different levels. Despite these differences, both instances involved critical role of political organisations.

Here are some points which demonstrate how democracy has evolved all over the world:

Democracy evolves through popular struggles.

Democratic conflict is resolved through mass mobilisation. Sometimes, conflict is resolved by using the existing institutions like the parliament or the judiciary.

The conflicts and mobilisations are based on new political organisations, which include political parties, pressure groups and movement groups.

Mobilisation and Organisations

In a democracy, different kinds of organisations work behind any big struggle. These organisations play their role in two ways.

Direct participation in competitive politics which is done by creating parties, contesting elections and forming governments. However, every citizen does not participate so directly, other than through voting.

There are many indirect ways in which people can get governments to listen to their demands or their points of view. This is done by forming an organisation and undertaking activities to promote the interests or viewpoints of people. Such groups are known as “interest groups or pressure groups”.

Pressure Groups and Movements

Pressure groups are organisations that attempt to influence government policies. These organisations are formed when people with common occupation, interest, aspirations or opinions come together to achieve a common objective.

A Movement attempts to influence politics rather than directly taking part in electoral competition. It’s a small organisation which depends on spontaneous mass participation of people than an interest group.

Eg: Narmada Bachao Andolan, Movement for Right to Information, Anti-liquor Movement, Women’s Movement, Environmental Movement.

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