English, asked by iloveyouuu, 21 hours ago

Revise the following faulty paragraphs and make the necessary corrections in
punctuation, capitalization, spelling and others. Write your answer on your paper.

1. filipino women before the comeing of the spaniards enjoyed a uniques position
in society. Customary laws gave us the right to be equal of men, she could own
and inherit property-engage in trade and industry however succeed to the
chieftainship in the absents of the male heir.

2. in an emergency! administering first aid is important. first aid is the skilled
application of treatment once a doctor arrives. Moreover knowledge of first aid is
not enough, anyone who gives first aid must also know the proper way of lifting
carrying and transporting the patient to a safer place

3. did you ever think of flies as agents of pollination, a good example of a fly-
pollinated flower in our country is the queer looking plant locally known as
pongapong. the flower exudes a very strong sinell of rotting flesh. moreover, this
smell attracts big blue bottleflies which eventually carries pollen from the smelly



Answered by 1907RS


Butterfly coccon


Emily Dobson

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