Computer Science, asked by abhinavjain1307, 1 year ago

Assign the constant value of pi (i.e. 3.142) to a variable mentioning its appropriate data type.

d) Identify the following as valid or invalid identifier names.
State reasons.

(i) _123 (ii) break (iii) T$ (iv) var.1​


Answered by amruthamanisai587


const float pi=3.142

"break" is not a valid identifier because it is already reserved in keywords so we cannot use it as a identifier name

"_123" is valid identifier because in general the identifier should not start with numbers but an identifier can contain numbers and '_' is the only symbol that can be allowed to use in identifiers name

"T$" is not a valid identifier because we cannot use special character except '_' in identifiers.

"var.1" is not a valid identifier because we cannot use special character except '_' in identifiers.


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