Computer Science, asked by dgirdhar21gmailcom, 1 year ago

Q1: What is Operation Research. What is its principal? Also explain different
approximations used in O.R. model


Answered by ushnaunees

British/Europeans refer to "operational research", the Americans to "operations research" - but both

are often shortened to just "OR" - which is the term we will use.

Another term which is used for this field is "management science" ("MS"). The Americans

sometimes combine the terms OR and MS together and say "OR/MS" or "ORMS". Yet other terms

sometimes used are "industrial engineering" ("IE") and "decision science" ("DS"). In recent years there

has been a move towards a standardization upon a single term for the field, namely the term "OR".

Operation Research is a relatively new discipline. The contents and the boundaries of the OR are

not yet fixed. Therefore, to give a formal definition of the term Operations Research is a difficult task.

The OR starts when mathematical and quantitative techniques are used to substantiate the decision being

taken. The main activity of a manager is the decision making. In our daily life we make the decisions

even without noticing them. The decisions are taken simply by common sense, judgment and expertise

without using any mathematical or any other model in simple situations. But the decision we are

concerned here with are complex and heavily responsible. Examples are public transportation network

planning in a city having its own layout of factories, residential blocks or finding the appropriate product

mix when there exists a large number of products with different profit contributions and production

requirement etc.

Operations Research tools are not from any one discipline. Operations Research takes tools from

different discipline such as mathematics, statistics, economics, psychology, engineering etc. and

combines these tools to make a new set of knowledge for decision making. Today, O.R. became a

professional discipline which deals with the application of scientific methods for making decision, and

especially to the allocation of scarce resources. The main purpose of O.R. is to provide a rational basis

for decisions making in the absence of complete information, because the systems composed of human,

machine, and procedures may do not have complete information.

Operations Research can also be treated as science in the sense it describing, understanding and

predicting the systems behaviour, especially man-machine system. Thus O.R. specialists are involved in

three classical aspect of science, they are as follows:

i) Determining the systems behaviour

ii) Analyzing the systems behaviour by developing appropriate models

iii) Predict the future behaviour using these models

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