Computer Science, asked by komaltariq7887, 5 months ago

Information about an ABC organization is given below.
1. There are 10 employees in the organization.
2. There are 2 employees of level-A, 3 employees of level-B, 5 employees of level-C.
3. The information about their salaries is given below.
a) The salary of level-A employee is Rs.1, 25,000.
b) The salary of level-B employee is Rs.80, 000.
c) The salary of level-C employee is Rs.45, 000.
4. Rs.600 is deducted from the salaries of all employees against staff welfare fund.
5. If ANNUAL salary of an employee is more than Rs.600, 000, 1% tax is deducted from salary each month.
You are required to write a C++ program which finds

1) Total monthly tax deduction for all employees.
2) Total amount of welfare fund collected each month from all employees.
3) Net monthly salary of an employee. (Level-A, level-B, level-C).
(Hint: Net_Monthly_Salary= Original_Salary- Monthly_Tax – Monthly_Welfare_Fund)
4) Total amount which organization pays to its employees each month.
5) Also create a menu using (if-else) conditional statements, if a user wants to know about the separate tax collection of Level-A, Level-B, And Level-C employees.
If user enters 1, leve-A employee tax will be shown.
If user enters 2, leve-B employee tax will be shown.
If user enters 1, leve-C employee tax will be shown.
If user inputs wrong number then a message will be shown: “incorrect input”.


Answered by ayanedupk12




using namespace std;

int origonal_salary_A= 125000;

int origonal_salary_B= 80000;

int origonal_salary_C= 45000;

int monthly_tax=600; //monthly fund deducted from each employee

int A_employees=2; //numbers of employees level A

int B_employees=3; //numbers of employees level B

int C_employees=5;

int Totle_employees=10;

int totle_tax= Totle_employees*monthly_tax;

int A_WF= origonal_salary_A*1/100;

int Level_A_Wfunds = A_employees*A_WF; //1% salary above 60000

int B_WF=origonal_salary_B*1/100;

int Level_B_Wfunds = A_employees*B_WF; //1% salary above 60000;

int walfare_funds= Level_A_Wfunds+Level_B_Wfunds;

int main {

cout<<"Totle Tax deducted : "<<totle_tax<<endl;

cout<<"Totle Walfare funds collected : "<<walfare_funds<<endl;

cout<< "Net monthly salary of level A = " <<origonal_salary_A-A_WF-monthly_tax<<endl;

cout<< "Net monthly salary of level B = " <<origonal_salary_B-B_WF-monthly_tax<<endl;

cout<< "Net monthly salary of level C = " <<origonal_salary_C-monthly_tax<<endl;

cout<< "totle ammount wich organization pays to employees = "<<origonal_salary_A+origonal_salary_B+origonal_salary_C;

cout<<"chose an option if you want details of tax and funds \n1 For Level A \n2 For Level2\n3 For Level3"<<endl;

int a;




cout<<"Totle tax on per employee = "<< 600<<endl:

cout<<"Totle Walfare funds on per employee = "<< A_WF <<endl:


if (a==2)


cout<<"Totle tax on per employee = "<< 600<<endl:

cout<<"Totle Walfare funds on per employee = "<< B_WF <<endl:




cout<<"Totle tax on per employee = "<< 600<<endl:




cout<<"Input Error"



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