Assignment Number 1: People are being asked to work from
home due to Covid 19 crisis. Evaluate how this trend may shape
up the various HRM practices in future like training,
performance appraisal, communication, pay for performance,
promotion, discipline, industrial relations etc. Also write your
thoughts/your reflections on whether, which of the following
HR organization will become more relevant and which one will
become less relevant:
1. Transactional HRM
2. Centre of Expertise
3. Corporate HRM
4. Embedded HRM
Write your answer in 500 words.
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed a massive number of employees, who were already facing stress from the health risk itself, to working from home. Compounding this stressor, many managers are now leading remote teams for the first time. This sudden change has exacerbated the challenges of collaborating and leading from a distance, challenges we in the field of international business (IB) understand well, but that have remained largely unaddressed in management practice. In 2018, RW3 surveyed 1620 employees from 90 countries regarding their experiences working on ‘global virtual teams’ in multinational enterprises (MNEs). While most of the respondents identified their work on global virtual teams as important for job success, only 22% received training on how best to work in their geographically distributed teams, 90% of which had two or more cultures represented. The picture is not much better at the leadership level. Among the virtual team leaders, only 15% described themselves as “very effective” with less than 20% receiving training on how to lead from a distance