English, asked by gyamarhina45, 1 year ago

Assignment on parts of speech and its various types?


Answered by allison2134


there are 7 parts of  speech


1.The noun: Nouns are words for people, places and things. Nouns can name feelings or ideas as well. Nouns only change in two ways: either we add an "s" at the end to signify that there is more than one, or we add an apostrophe plus an "s" to signify a relationship of possession. Nouns are the only one of the 8 parts of speech that take apostrophes. If you are confused about how to use an apostrophe, click here.

2.The pronoun: Pronouns stand in for nouns. He, she, or it, are pronouns that are used instead of the name of the person or the object. Unlike nouns, pronouns never take apostrophes.

3.The adjective: An adjective provides information about a noun. An adjective describes the noun. Words like big, small, fast, and slow are adjectives. Sometimes a whole phrase can be an adjective, if it is giving information about a noun.

4.The adverb: Like adjectives, adverbs provide information. Except this time they provide information about verbs. They can be a single word or a phrase. Often adjectives end in -ly.

5.The preposition: prepositions can have many functions. They can tell us the position of an object (on, under, in). They can tell us a relationship between objects (of, before, after).

6.The conjunction: Conjunctions are joining words, such as or,and

7.And the interjection. Shoot! I haven't made a page for interjections. Darn! Interjections are words that express surprise. They often come with an exclamation mark.


gaurav200370: U only started no stupid words
gaurav200370: And u have not answered about ur under poverty country
allison2134: I'd say you're funny, but looks aren't everything.
gaurav200370: Sorry I didn't understand
allison2134: I bet your brain feels good as new, seeing that you've never used it.
gaurav200370: but ur brain has became rust because of not using it
gaurav200370: A low calorie dinner has 480 calories in an 9ounce serving. What is the unit rate in simplest form
gaurav200370: Hey sorry for posting this while deleting mistakly it came
gaurav200370: I have big doubt, do u have brain?????
gaurav200370: Byee unschooled
Answered by n153785

There r 7 types of speechs








gaurav200370: Wrong
gaurav200370: Where is preposition???
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