Associations or unions of persons of any particular craft was (were) termed as
(a) emporium
(b) factor
(c) guilds
(d) sthapatis
the answer is c) guilds
Guilds were the association of craftsmen or merchants who followed same craft and profession. Guilds usually existed in the medieval period. The main aim of forming guilds was to protect the interests of the members.
Associations or unions of persons of any particular craft was (were) termed as guilds.
1. Guilds were an association of the medieval age formed by artists and craftsmen who shared the same interests.
2. Guilds were formed as a measure to safeguard the artists from oppression and discrimination.
3. There was a ranking system among the guilds that were done based on mastership and experience.
4. Examples of guilds are painters, bookbinders, and others.
5. Guilds were able to upgrade the status of the artists.
6. They were passed on from generation to generation.