Economy, asked by reenajasodhajain77, 2 months ago

assume that your from any one of the following family how can you utilise The Limited resources to fulfill your needs {a Family Farm} {b petty shop} {c flower vendor}​


Answered by sarahaifa32


a.Family Farm


  • If I am from a famil of farm I and my family's limited resources are land,labour,bulk,cart,tool which are required for agriculture.Now my basic need are food, shelter, clothing, education, medical facilities and other goods and services.To full fill all my needs or wants I have to produce or grow agriculture products(Vegetables or Food grain)with the help of resources.
Answered by steffiaspinno

Assuming that I am from a Petty Shop family.


As a owner of petty shop my I must fulfil my basic needs such as living expenses, house rent, food and clothing, so I must use my limited resources in the best way. my resources are shop area in the market and expenses for items to provide in the shop, etc. so, I will find a better place in the market where there are many local customers to buy from my shop so that i won't have to suffer loss because of no customers. I will provide general store items that can be sold easily on daily basis, which customers need to buy for daily use so I will have a daily income for living expenses such as food, clothing and rent and in this way I can utilize my limited resources to fulfill my basic daily needs.

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